What is self-esteem
The concept of self-esteem can have different interpretations. Working on self-esteem is an essential part of psychology, consisting of accepting yourself, gaining confidence, and being at peace with yourself and your own decisions.

Having self-esteem means recognizing yourself and being aware of your worth. As a result, you will advance and meet goals that are beneficial to you and your well-being.
It is a process of personal and emotional development that begins with accepting yourself as you are. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to love everything about yourself and not change anything at all.
It is the same with relationships. For example, you may love your partner and make you very happy, but, at the same time, be aware of their flaws. The same thing happens with self-esteem: it does not consist of trying not to have a single defect or believing yourself perfect, but rather knowing all that you are worth and treating yourself with kindness.
Self-esteem and exercise
The concept of self-esteem is very present in the world of fitness. Some people only love themselves if they are thin or strong. Sometimes this happens because we idealize the look we would like to have and would like that to be our actual appearance.
Of course, it is not the same as when a person values themselves and still consciously decides to lose some weight, either for health or because they want to do a makeover. Regardless of the physical goal you have, the first thing is to ask yourself if you want to achieve it yourself or external influences encourage you to think that you have to do it.
After obtaining good results with a diet, many people confess that they have realized that the problem was not so much the weight, but rather a general assessment or that of the people around them. Be careful because relationships with the people around us are significant, but, from the perspective of psychology and emotional well-being, your advice comes first.
Learn to love yourself
Some people have trouble loving each other more. One of the reasons this happens is that we often focus more on the things we don’t like about ourselves instead of giving ourselves positive feedback. The psychologyof the human being is completely surprising: sometimes we feel devalued.
We interfere in our personal development because of the obstacles that our mind puts on us. The goal is to improve relationships with ourselves: with active work in private security and development, we are often filled with the feeling of being worthy of value.
Our self-esteem rises. Self-love must always be unconditional. In other words, if you learn to value yourself, you will make healthier decisions for yourself and, therefore, you will lead a better, happier, and more fulfilling life. Pure psychology!
You will understand that making your own decisions does not depend on the rest; you will assume that we all make mistakes, and you will accept all responsibility for your actions because they belong to you.
The psychology of self-esteem
Increasing self-esteem is not always an easy task, quite the opposite: to improve; you have to work hard and go a long way because we often have a very internalized lack of self-esteem.
A prevalent psychology method to nurture self-love consists of taking care of your “inner child,” which symbolizes the feelings, memories, and experiences linked to our childhood and stored in our brain 1.
Low self-esteem may be linked to specific childhood experiences, which sometimes mark us, such as fear. Your parents will most likely always try to help you and educate you in the best possible way.
Still, they may have done or said something that penetrated deeply into your subconscious and that stayed there as a negative conception and as part of your personality.
Even if you are now in the adult phase and have rational thoughts, those ideas from childhood can still influence your daily life, your happiness, and the image you have of yourself.
As you can see, to work on self-esteem, it is not enough to tell yourself, “from today, I adore myself!”; but rather, it is all personal work to reinforce self-confidence and respect. If you want to build self-esteem, consider, among other things, your values, goals, desires, and fears.
To delve deeper into the subject of your inner child and the subconscious, we recommend that you consult a psychology professional who will explain it to you very well and help you work on it.
Why is it so challenging to increase self-esteem for some people?
The answer to this question is very personal because we do not love ourselves vary from person to person. Some do not like their bodies, feel like failures, or have attachment problems (or other psychology level problems).
These reasons are closely related to negative beliefs ingrained within us. People have positive and negative thoughts, which we usually adopt in our infancy and reinforce later by certain events.
There are negative beliefs (such as “I am ugly”, “I am worth nothing,” or “nobody loves me”) that can undermine self-esteem and hinder personal development.
When we wonder how we can love ourselves more, we are left only on the surface and do not delve into everything that the experts in psychology recommend. For example, when someone feels that they have gained too much weight, they usually go on a diet.
But perhaps that thought does not have so much to do with reality, but rather with a psychological issue, which leads to having a false belief about oneself. Therefore, you always have to delve into what you think and feel and find a reason.
Self-esteem is the foundation of life. Self-love influences the way we treat ourselves and how we treat others. Improving self-esteem also helps us make conscious decisions and take control of our lives.
Self-esteem doesn’t magically increase
Self-esteem doesn’t magically increase overnight, but rather it is a long process involving many aspects of psychology. Worrying more about yourself, your feelings, and your thoughts can go a long way. We recommend that you contact a psychology professional to work on it.
While a healthy and balanced diet is the best fuel for your body, a positive attitude and self-esteem are for your mind. These two types of “fuel” influence all aspects of your life.