OneCoin Of Big Special Statement

OneCoin Of Big Special Statement

OneCoin Of Big Special Statement

Board Meeting

Bucharest, Romania 1st Country Board meeting. Maybe you already heard about the successful team from Romania?

They made the first Dealshaker events and training, they organized the first Dealshaker EXPO!

Until today they made many, many other events for the Onelife community, not just in Romania, but supporting and helping many events and EXPOs around!!! 

They have one of the first, but also biggest real Dealshaker ecosystems in our community, as one of the biggest legal Ecosystems in the whole crypto-world, where most of the merchants are using between 50-100% payment in Onecoins!!! 

As you probably know – they have a Facebook profile and site deal shaker- with literally thousands and thousands of deals for everything: from food and clothes – to 10s of millions of euros value factory for water and lands, etc… 

Many other points were actually on their side – when One Ecosystem Executive Board choosing them to be 1st Country Board: 

– They are going through many challenges until today: they win a legal case in Romania against them and proved what they work legally and have nothing to hide! 

– Many years they have one of the biggest offices for IMAs, in Bucharest, well-organized – where every top-leader from this united team is giving his best, 100%, for his team and our project!!!

– With their rich experience – top leaders are sharing obligations between themselves!!! Sharing all expenses as well!

– Somebody must have a strong and clear vision, faith, and confidence in our project – to be active and productive even in the hardest times, that are now behind us!!! 

“Fantastic team”, how they’ve been calling themselves – deserves our support and respect from the whole Network, because: they are always ready to help selflessly and pass on their ideas, knowledge, and experience – to all other associates and teams around the world!!! 

It was a pleasure for the Executive Global Board to spend 3 days with these creative and super positive leaders, exchanging ideas and practical experiences about it: how to organize better Onelife Network and Dealshaker – to be maximum effective, productive, and functional. 

Mr. Lyudmil, our Captain King (online), and – we’re doing our best to inform and train them for new responsibilities THAT WILL NOT BE PAID, but a lot of important activities and expenses will be financially supported and organized by the Company and our side!

On the 2nd day of our visit, an important meeting and training for many other leaders from all parts of Romania were organized!  

Like Global Ambassador and competent person for organization and motivation in our One Ecosystem – I explained to everyone present why is important for them and, like shines example for the whole Network – to stay united, positive, and productive; working together on the usability of our Onecoin; sharing in the same time, around, understanding and knowledge about crypto-currencies and crypto-market, using our system and OneAcademy for the best results…

We set new higher goals for each of them. 

Summing it all up in the end: this was a very useful get-together and instructive for all of us! 

Thank you, Blue Diamond (and Dealshaker CM), Mr.Cristi Calina – for everything that you do with your team for our community and our project!

Particularly we want to thanks all next members of the Romania Country Board: 

👉👉👉Mrs.Camelia Marc, Onelife Diamond, IMA from 2015, with long experience in network marketing and Dealshaker and as event maker

👉👉👉Mrs. Ioana Ochenatu, Onelife Diamond, IMA from 2015., finance expert, all event organizers also 

👉👉👉Mrs.Doina Matache, Onelife Emerald, IMA from 2015., with long and good experience in Dealshaker, administration, and organization 

👉👉👉Mr.Dan and Mrs.Mari Gavrila, Onelife Sapphire, IMA from 2016., big merchants and partners in the project “1000 warm meals for poor kids” 

👉👉👉Mr.Sabin Manolache, Onelife Sapphire, IMA from 2017., the big merchant also, with 6-7000 Dealshaker coupons for valuable products!! 

👉👉👉Mr.Doru Damian, Onelife Sapphire, IMA from 2015., expert for law and publishing

👉👉👉Mr.Viorel Martonfi, Onelife Ruby, IMA from 2015., banker and Dealshaker expert, with Dealshaker deals – value over 200 M €! 

👉👉👉Mr.Nicu Pandele, OneLife Ruby, IMA from 2015, with big experience in entrepreneurship and real estate. 

Thank you all, see you soon, at the next events!

Mihail Petrovic 

for Executive Global Board

Message from Romanian Country Board

About us:

We started doing this great project and building our fantastic team in Onelife – in April 2015.

In June 2015 we made our first big public presentations in Romania, that’s followed by many national or international events here. 

Until now we organized successfully more than 30 national and international events and more than 1000 presentations, online or publicly. 

As we understand from the beginning: we need to have an office in Bucharest – to be more operative, better organized, and to help our IMAs.

So, from November 2015 we have our own office in Bucharest, which is financially supported by our fantastic team. 

We growing stable and persistent, day-by-day and today we have more than 40 000 IMAs in our team. 

About Romania Dealshaker:

Romanian Team organized for the first time in the world Dealshaker Expo – between 2-4.June.2017., with more than 150 merchants from different areas. In this 3 Day Kickstart Marathon, we educated merchants on how to sell more products to this community and we trained our IMAs: how to use OneCoins to buy products and services, also our leaders- how to build their teams with IMAs and merchants, so everyone benefits from it…

Until now in Romania, we had more than 4500 merchants who accepted One.

More than 1.000.000 products were available in Dealshaker Romania in the last 4 years, the number of coins spends by Romanian partners is more than the 3.000.000 OneCoins! 

At this moment we have more than 2500 active deals in Dealshaker Romania. And the value of these active deals is more than 200.000.000 euros! 

You can check deals from Romania on our website: 

Promotion of our brand:

We organized the first Miss Onelife event with beautiful girls from 29 countries. They came to Romania special for this event and we promoted our brand ONE to the millions of spectators all over the world. 

It was a great success for all Onelifers!

Our Charity Work:

In the last 6 years, we have launched in Romania more than 20 charity projects – with payment 100% in OneCoins. The value of this project is more than 500.000 euros!

Also, we start a few years ago one very nice and humanitarian project in Romania: ” One warm meal for 1000 children every day ” (with payment 100% in ONE!)

Our goal is: to deliver a minimum of one meal every day for 1000 children in Romania. We are well on our way to achieving that!

Our organization:

Today we using 3rd part, professional companies, for legal advice, accounting, and for organizations our events. 

In our team, we have today professionals who take care of our Facebook page  FANTASTIC GLOBAL TEAM, also for our YouTube channel: OneLife Romania.

Educative and useful materials about our project are to be found under the links below. 

You can also find many photos from our successful and spectacular events, and from amazing trips – that we organized until now for our partners! 

We are very happy what we are chosen to be the first announced Country Board in the world.

We are very grateful for this opportunity to continue our work at an even more professional level. 

👍👍Romanian Country Board👍👍.

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