Benefits of reading, what happens if you read every day?

Benefits of reading

When was the last time you read a book or at least an article in a journal (preferably a scientific one)? Maybe your daily reading habits are centered around Facebook or Instagram posts or cooking instructions on a bag of oatmeal?

Benefits of reading, what happens if you read every day?

If you are one of the countless people who do not have the habit of reading regularly, you may be missing out on a lot. So why should you read? What will become of you, what will you gain if you read every day?

Mental stimulation

Research has shown that reading is mentally stimulating and can slow the progress (perhaps even prevent) the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia, as reading keeps the brain active. In your youth, you may not think about this, but as you know that you will have a pension, remember that there will be old age … which is much more pleasant to spend in a clear mind.


Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to stay strong and healthy. Doing puzzles and some games like chess are also helpful in terms of cognitive stimulation.

Treating stress

No matter how much stress you have in your life, it all just slips away when you dive into a book. Good novel can lead you to other worlds, allowing tensions to drain and allowing you to relax well.


Everything you read fills your head with new bits and bytes of information, and you never know when it might come in handy. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you are to deal with any problems you will ever face in your life.


You can lose everything: work, property, money, friends, even health, but no one can take away your knowledge.

Expanding vocabulary

The more you read, the more words you understand, and they will inevitably end up in your everyday vocabulary. The ability to speak clearly and correctly helps in any profession. It can even help in a career, as someone who reads a lot, speaks well, and understands a variety of topics tends to get promotions faster (and more often) than those with less vocabulary and no knowledge of literature. , scientific breakthroughs, and global events.


Reading books is also vital to learning new languages, as non-native speakers gain access to more than just words, but their use in context, which improves fluency in speech and writing.

Improving memory

As you read the book, you must remember a range of characters, their origins, ambitions, history, and nuances, as well as the various intricacies of the plot. You can remember these things with relative ease (when you like the book).


Surprisingly, each new memory connection you make creates new synapses (brain pathways) and strengthens existing ones, which helps you remember in general and also stabilizes your mood.

Skills of analytical thinking

Have you ever read a detective novel and solved the riddle to the end of the book? If so, you’ve managed to get your critical and analytical thinking to work, take note of all the details, and sort them out to define a criminal.


This same ability to analyze details is also used when it comes to criticizing a plot, whether it was a well-written piece, whether the characters were properly worked out, whether the storyline went smoothly, etc.


If you have the opportunity to discuss the book with others, you will be able to express your opinion, since you have understood all the aspects. All this is the work of the brain.

Focus and concentration

In our internet crazy world, our attention is drawn to a million different directions at once, as we multitask – every day.

In one 5-minute period of time, the average person can work on some task of his own, check e-mail, communicate with several people (via instant messengers, chats), see messages on social networks, he also simultaneously controls his smartphone, and interacts with colleagues. This type of behavior lowers our focus.


When you read a book, all your attention is focused on the story. The rest of the world is just waiting, and you can dive into every subtle detail.


Try reading 15-20 minutes before work (i.e., in the morning if you are using public transport), and you will be surprised at how much more focused you become when you get to your office/school/college.

Writing skills

This goes hand in hand with vocabulary expansion. The impact of a published, well-written work has a noticeable impact on your own writing, as observing the rhythm, fluidity, and writing styles of other authors will invariably influence your own work.


In the same way that musicians influence each other and artists to use techniques found by masters of the past, so writers learn to create prose by reading the works of others.


Reading spiritual texts can lower blood pressure and induce feelings of calm while reading self-help books is indicated for people suffering from certain mood disorders and mild mental illness.

Free entertainment

Many of us love to buy books, but they are sometimes quite expensive. It’s not exactly free entertainment. But there are libraries and book clubs that provide an opportunity to exchange books.

As free entertainment, you can visit your local library and bask in the glory of countless tomes available out there just like that. Libraries have books on every topic imaginable and unthinkable, and as they are constantly updated with new books, you will never run out of reading material.


You can also read books in PDF format on a reader, on a smartphone, or on a computer screen. It is not so convenient, but the stock of texts is even greater.


There is a suitable reading genre for every literate person on the planet, and whether your tastes lie in classical literature, poetry, fashion magazines, biographies, religious texts, young scholars’ books, travel guides, street literature, or romance novels, in this world there is always something to capture your curiosity and imagination. And as you can see, this is useful!

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