Important practical tips for leaders to grow business

Practical tips for leaders

The field of activity of the manager, directly related to his relationship with subordinates is key from the point of view of the leader’s work’s effectiveness as a whole.

Important practical tips for leaders to grow business

The work of the whole team depends on the successful solution of the problem – to consider the subordinate’s personality.

Continuous learning

Each leader needs to continually learn, improve his qualifications, as he is an example for his team. Often, employees may not say that they are reading a pattern of behavior, approach to life, attitudes, etc., from the manager.


Nevertheless, it is so. Accordingly, if a leader becomes a professional in different fields, he will always exert more influence on people, and they will listen to him. Think about what area of ​​your company you have no desire to “look” into? Most likely, it is in this area that you may lack knowledge.

There is a good quote from the ancient philosopher Confucius: “If there is no time for learning, then you need to be selective in what to learn.”

Pay MORE attention to employees who give BETTER results

And according to the leftover principle – to those who create problems. In practice, everything happens exactly the opposite. One of the laws of motivation says: “WHAT YOU PROMOTE IS WHAT YOU GET.”

This means that by encouraging the attention of problem employees, you get more and more problems. What for? Do it in a new way, and you will see that the law works.

 Staff meeting

 Be sure to hold a staff meeting once a week. In a staff meeting, report only issues that have been resolved, take stock of what has been done, report on good news, and plan for the future. At the same time, please do not talk about problems, do not discuss it with all employees. According to the same law of motivation – at a meeting to pay attention to the good in the company. Check it out – it works.


Problems and situations that need to be solved are discussed at COORDINATIONS (aka planning meeting, etc.). At the same time, there should be different employees at different coordinations. With some, the issues of “increasing volumes” are being resolved, and with others – “debriefing”.

The problem without a solution

Do not accept “problem without a solution” from subordinates. Ensure that every employee, when reporting a problem, also proposes a solution. Successfully print a sign on the door or the table: “Bring a problem – grab the solution. Otherwise, I’ll send it anyway.”

Employees’  morale

Raises employees’ “morale” and creates a good mood, an effortless action – “general cleaning”. Despite the simplicity of this action, it always gives a good result. It is successful in doing this systematically, for example, on the last Saturday of every month. Cabinets, tables, shelves, baskets, personal computers – this is something that no technician can clean. This means that the employees will find something to put in order.

 Good news

Inform your partners and clients about the good news that is happening in your company. This is called “public relations” – PR. This concept is well defined in the Hubbard Management System technology: public relations is about doing good deeds widely known. PR – not only fills the “vacuum” about you but also affects the company’s income. Write on a piece of paper what good things have happened in the company in the last 3-6 months and make them known. This can be done via email or mailing lists. 

Sets tasks and seeks its execution

The tasks you set must be understandable for the employee, and they should be in writing. This will help avoid distortion while completing the task. And it is imperative to ensure that the employee meets the task. Since often, the manager does not control the implementation, but at the same time, sets new tasks.


Reward employees for coming up with new, good ideas to improve your company’s business processes. The manager does not always have enough time to study and keep abreast of each department’s work carefully. And accordingly, it is precious when employees show initiative and provide new solutions to “old problems.”

 Train employees

Train employees. The idea is not new, but the advice is not to send people for training to third-party organizations but to organize master classes for 1-2 hours within the company.

Moreover, the effect will be more significant if these seminars are conducted by the best specialists from your own company. So how can anyone better than they know the specifics and features of your company?

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