Possible reasons for the lack of motivation to learn
Everyone understands that learning with purpose and motivation is more effective than without any purpose. The assessment and performance of a person depend on the basis of knowledge. The depth of the knowledge gained the ability to apply it in practice, and the desire to learn itself.

Motivation is an incentive to action, a process that controls a person’s behavior sets his direction, organization, and activity. It is of two types: internal and external.
Intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation is when the desire to act in a specific situation comes from within, best characterized by the word “want”, the need to achieve a particular goal. For example, I want to study well, or I want to be a successful person, and for this, I get knowledge.
Having an inner desire to get an education, the student himself pushes himself to achieve positive results.
External motivation
With external motivation, the motivation for activity comes from the outside. Let’s give an example. You tell your child that they will receive a new smartphone for the perfect completion of the quarter. This motivates him to study; he will try for the reason that a particular gift awaits him.
In this case, education does not become an internal need, and after achieving the goal, it will need new motivation from the outside. Let’s figure out possible reasons for the lack of motivation.
The student does not understand why he needs specific knowledge
One of the questions that students have, “Why should I know this? This item will never be useful to me. “This question is asked by almost every student, only about different subjects. Some refuse mathematics – after all, there is a calculator.
Others – from biology – it is not clear why to study the structure of a worm, others do not understand why to read Russian classics’ works.
Most adults know for sure that all school subjects in one form or another are necessary for a person’s life. These questions must arise to be close to the child and give him specific examples of situations in which the knowledge gained has its meaning.
Given that a student will receive an adequate answer to the question “Why?” For himself, he will be able to increase internal motivation to achieve good learning outcomes.
Relationship with teachers
A lot can depend on the teacher, his approach to the transfer of knowledge, and attitude towards students. With those teachers with whom the relationship has worked out, the motivation to study their subject is much higher.
In such a situation, there may be a bias towards the senior grades in the direction that the student will choose a specialty for himself and all further professional activities based on this sympathy. The motivation to study is lowered for those subjects whose teachers do not evoke positive emotions in students.
It is essential to teach the child to objectively look at the knowledge gained and separate the teacher from the subject, lacking interest in the subject from lack of interest in the teacher. In this case, it will be possible to reduce subjectivity increase the motivation to acquire knowledge.
Lack of communication
Learning motivation is badly affected by the lack of communication in the classroom. If a student has no one to talk to, there is no understanding among peers. The motivation to attend school gradually begins to disappear, especially if communication is essential in a particular child’s life.
There can be many reasons for this: the lack of common topics for the conversation to conflicts. Motivation to learn can also decrease if a student starts going to school to communicate with specific people.
It is necessary to work with both situations at the initial stages to prevent a condition in which the desire to learn disappears altogether: either because of a lack of communication or because communication comes to the fore, pushing back study.
The more protracted the situation is that specific topic within the school subject were incomprehensible or missed, the more likely the subject will be launched for a long time, maybe forever. Making up for missed material is much more complicated than studying it on time and with classmates, which will undoubtedly affect learning motivation.
Lack or overabundance of praise
When performing educational activities, a student needs to see feedback on how he copes with it. In addition to the teacher’s assessments, it is also crucial for the child to see the reaction of loved ones to learning, to its successes and failures.
In the case of praise and rewards – they should be clear and substantive; the student should understand what exactly he is being praised for. But don’t go too far. Praise for every simple action does not form an idea of what exactly the student is successful in and can reduce motivation (even external) because he is already praised, no matter what he does.
Excess control or lack of control from the parent
At school age, a child needs parental control (checking homework, monitoring its implementation, planning school time), which is initially an external motivation for learning.
This is primarily because he does not yet have independent learning skills (how to search for information, structure and memorize it, what time it is better to do homework, when it is better to take a break, etc.). They must be mastered together.
As soon as you see that the student can study well on his own, that he does not need your every minute attention, then the control should be gradually reduced and minimized; this increases the feeling of responsibility for learning and internal motivation.
The situation is similar to the first independent steps of a child. At the very beginning, he needs help and support from a parent. But it is absurd to lead him by the hand until he comes of age, fearing that he will suddenly fail and fall.
When a parent does not reduce the level of control over learning, responsibility for it may never arise.
Different opinions about adult learning
Parents and all adults around the child need to agree on the same learning requirements and assessment criteria. Imagine a situation in which your homework is to read a section of a textbook.
Dad will be satisfied that the child reads it fluently, mom will be happy only if the student retells this section to her, and the grandmother does not care whether he reads it or not; the main thing is to be full.
Suppose a student is faced with the fact that everyone has different requirements for him when performing the same task. In that case, it is difficult for him to understand what needs to be done, which reduces the motivation for learning and increases the likelihood that he will choose the easiest path.
Constant comparisons
“You have a grade of two” or “And my colleague’s son is a much better student than you” are not always an excellent way to motivate you to study. For one student, such phrases will be an impetus for achieving positive results; for another – humiliating comparisons discourage the desire to learn.
Confidential atmosphere
In motivation to learn, this is as important a factor as in all other areas of your child’s life. The knowledge that you will be understood if you do not get the best grade, the ability to admit that certain subjects are difficult for you, or any conflict at school.
This is the foundation on which a child can firmly stand in the learning process. Understanding and support from a parent in the learning process have a beneficial effect on motivation.
Working with self-esteem
Learning is not always an easy process. Student failures do not affect self-esteem in the best way. With poor results, faith in success disappears; it becomes difficult and incomprehensible. The motivation for learning activity decreases.
With the long-term achievement of good results, the student’s self-esteem is on the rise. It is essential to track and work with how your child sees himself, to teach him an objective assessment of his knowledge, skills, and abilities.
In this case, it is possible to avoid overestimated or underestimated self-esteem, which negatively affects learning motivation.
Dealing with motivation is not an easy task for a parent to do. At different stages of learning, both internal and external motivation can help a student. You need to listen to the child’s reactions to various aspects of education, talk about them in time, and find a way to motivate your child independently.