Employee Hiring Mistakes
The essence of any business can be summarized in three words: Personnel, Product, Profit. If you have problems with the first item, you can forget about the other two. “Every successful leader understands that people are the most valuable resource of any company.
And yet, millions of companies around the world systematically face the problem of employee inefficiency. The crux of the problem lies in the fact that most executives have no idea how to select staff so that “suitable” candidates are initially hired.
Therefore, their companies often include people who are unable to cope with their work successfully. This article describes five common hiring mistakes that get in the way of identifying high-performing employees and attracting them to the company.
Lack of a formed portrait of the candidate
s strange as it sounds, most HR managers do not clearly understand who they need. At best, they know for sure the future functional responsibilities of the employee. But at the same time, they do not represent the final result of his work and what personal qualities a candidate for the position should have to achieve this result.
Also, the selection of candidates is often approached with more restrictive requirements than helping to identify the employee you need. For example, compulsory higher education, work experience in large corporations, the availability of certificates of completed courses/training/seminars.
A simple example: extensive experience in a large company automatically attracts the manager’s attention and recommends the candidate as an experienced and productive employee. But in large organizations, it is much easier to “get lost” and not betray your lack of professionalism and unwillingness to work.
On the other hand, in a small team, these qualities are revealed much faster and easier. Therefore, successful work in a small company is a greater guarantee of the candidate’s productivity.
Inability to attract those who are needed
Many managers are wondering how to find an employee who will benefit the company. The long-term practice of Performance shows that for the right candidates to at least be among those who wish to work in your company, it is necessary to attract their attention with an effective vacancy announcement.
It is also desirable that the same ad would help to “discourage interest” from those who are completely unsuitable for this position. It is well known that like attracts like. It is logical to conclude that highly productive people, focused on results in their work, will be interested in an ad that describes their work’s expected products and does not promise “mountains of gold” with minimal investment.
Based on this logic, what kind of people do you think would be attracted by the promise of a small workload, huge salary, and a hefty list of benefits and bonuses? And how much benefit will such employees bring to the company?
A correctly composed ad is a guarantee that there will be exactly the employee you have been looking for for so long among the people who responded to it. If you want the “wrong” candidates to switch to looking for work in other companies automatically.
It makes sense to pay more attention to the topic of writing ads. To always come to those you are awaiting for, you need to create ads that will attract the best.
Huge waste of time
Hundreds of candidates apply for interesting vacancies – and from all of them, you need to choose exactly those who will bring the most benefit to the company. Of course, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with each applicant to understand whether he is suitable for a particular position.
At this stage, there is a danger of wasting time on those who most certainly will not do anything but harm the company. Also, there is a danger of missing out on those for whom a well-written vacancy announcement was posted. As they say, a talented person is talented in everything – this can be applied to his productivity.
A person who always brings his work to the desired result will most likely not have any particular difficulties in finding a job. Therefore, to catch the right professional, successful hiring must be both efficient and fast.
Not knowing what to look at
In your opinion, from what side does any person who wants to get a job to seek to show themselves? Of course, with the best! The main goal of candidates for the position is to show all their merits, thereby convincing the manager that the employee of their dreams is in front of him.
That is why the mails of directors and HR-managers are filled to the brim with “bright” resumes. But what is hidden behind the “beautiful” portrait of the candidate? Can diplomas and certificates guarantee its practical effectiveness?
Imagine: a graduate of Oxford wants to get a job for you, having listened to many informative lectures and read a huge list of useful books. But, unfortunately – and this happens often – he does not know how to apply his brilliant theoretical knowledge in practice.
Another candidate for the position has not even received higher education, but he sees what he needs to do to achieve better results in his area of ​​responsibility. Most importantly, he fulfills the tasks assigned to him and achieves the desired results without any leadership pressure.
And which of them will be more productive? Who will contribute more to the company’s success? Who would be more likely to be hired after reading the resumes of these two candidates? Professional recruiting is impossible if employees are selected according to the wrong criteria.
To discern the essence of a candidate behind his “outer gloss” and not be mistaken in your choice, you need to know exactly what to look at. And you need to look, first of all, at the person’s Performance: was he productive in the last place of work?
And if it is not possible to find out, then you need to check whether he can successfully cope with the practical task related to his duties right now.
Incorrect induction process You have successfully bypassed all of the above-described “stumbling blocks” on the way of hiring an effective employee: you managed to interest him, saw him among hundreds of “not your” candidates, successfully conducted an interview, and hired him.
Everything. You can be happy and start waiting for productive work, right? But no. Right now, the process of familiarizing a new employee with the company begins. No matter how effective he may be, he still has no idea how the work is arranged here.
He also does not know exactly what results in he needs to achieve in a new job. Explaining this information to him, it is crucial to make sure that you and he understand the product: the expected result of his work. Just imagine that you will have radically different visions of what to do.
This is exactly the case when high Performance can do more harm than good. So, now you know how to select personnel for work as quickly and efficiently as possible, avoiding major hiring mistakes.
The main steps for successful hiring can be defined as follows: –
form a clear portrait of the desired employee
compose a suitable ad
process candidates quickly and efficiently;
pay attention to the Performance of the candidate, without being distracted by the “beautiful image”
help the new employee understands correctly what product you expect from him.
hire only strong and productive employees who can lead your company to prosperity!